Stronger Every Day
Every shift, your job as a first responder demands unique strength – physical, mental and emotional courage and resilience.
First Responder Wellness Week is dedicated to providing resources, support and community to help public safety personnel thrive in this challenging and rewarding career. Learn about the unique physical and mental wellness challenges facing first responders. Gain inspiration to set your next fitness or wellness goal. Become a champion for wellness in your agency.
Join Lexipol and our partners to focus on your health and promote the wellness of your personnel. Each day we’ll explore a different topic, providing shift briefing videos, webinars, articles, podcasts and more.
During First Responder Wellness Week, we’ll all work to become Stronger Every Day!
Together, We Can Change the Story
A Message from Gordon Graham
Co-Founder, Lexipol
First Responder Wellness Week Is All About You
A message from Dr. David Black
President, Lexipol Wellness Solutions
25 MAR |
DAY 1 Physical Fitness |
Webinar 1:00pm EST
Peak Performance for Protectors
How to Rebuild, Upgrade and Sustain Your Tactical Athleticism
Shift Briefing Video
5 Ways to Increase Daily Energy

Wellness Program Policies
Get access to sample copies of Lexipol’s Wellness Program policies for law enforcement agencies and fire departments
26 MAR |
DAY 2 Peer Support |

Webinar 1:00pm EST
Peer Support in 2024
A New Model for Today’s Challenges
Shift Briefing Video
The Power of Peer Support

Peer Support Training & Certification
Delivering effective, appropriate peer support requires specialized training. Lexipol’s NEW Peer Support Training and Certification is an online program designed specifically for peer supporters in public safety agencies.
27 MAR |
DAY 3 Nutrition |
Webinar 1:00pm EST
Inside EMS LIVE! – Eat Smart, Respond Strong: How to Rebuild, Upgrade and Sustain Your Tactical Athleticism
Shift Briefing Video
Sweet or Salty? On-Shift Craving Crushers

Additional Wellness Resources
Access tip sheets, white papers and additional resources to keep Wellness Week going all year round.
28 MAR |
DAY 4 Mental Health |
Webinar 1:00pm EST
Firefighter Therapy
Busting Myths and Stopping Stigma

Shift Briefing Video
Shift Your Focus

Strengthen Your Wellness Culture
From our anonymous wellness app to specialized training, Lexipol’s solutions can help put your agency at the forefront of wellness. Contact us to learn how we can help you and your agency become Stronger Every Day.
29 MAR |
DAY 5 Family Support |
Webinar 1:00pm EST
Stronger Together
Involving Family in Personnel Wellness

Shift Briefing Video
Just Listen
Wellness Week Resources
Access additional resources for use in your department, including tip sheets, wellness program sample policies, and more!

Our Partners